
Project Details



Project Description

A tactical game, played by individuals and teams of two, three and four.  It is also a very social game and provides the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life and a game at which ladies play on equal terms to men.

Like many other sports, bowls is attracting people who don’t have the physique needed to play football or rugby, but who still want to play a competitive sport.  Discovering a natural talent whereby one finds it easy to perform regularly to a high standard is something that we all crave and this is how many of today’s indoor bowls stars began their career.

Just the beginning…

Many people might be surprised to learn that the average age of the England Men’s Indoor Bowls International Team last year was just 32 years, not much higher than the England football squad. There are many opportunities to play in competitions at various different levels for more information please visit the English Indoor Bowling Association wesbite at